We believe an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.



Gum disease, known also as periodontal disease or periodontitis, can result in tooth loss if untreated. It begins as inflammation and irritation of the gingival tissues, or gums, that surround and support your teeth. These symptoms are caused by toxins found in the plaque that builds up on your teeth and gum tissue, leading to bacterial infection. When bacterial infection invades the gingival tissue, deep pockets form between the teeth and the gums. If the infection is allowed to progress, periodontal disease begins to destroy not only the gum tissue, but also the underlying jawbone, which can lead to tooth loss. In severe cases, the bacteria from the infection can enter the bloodstream and cause problems elsewhere in the body.

The good news is that early treatment of gingivitis, or mild inflammation, can completely reverse the effects of gum disease.



While genetics and environment can play a role in the development of gum disease, there are many steps you can take to reduce your risk of experiencing periodontitis. Be aware of these risk factors:

  • Poor Hygiene

  • Tobacco Use

  • Pregnancy And Menopause

  • Chronic Stress And Poor Diet

  • Diabetes And Other Serious Medical Conditions

  • Grinding (Buxing) Of Teeth

  • Medications

  • Genetics



The best treatment for gum disease is prevention. Taking care to account for the causes of periodontal disease and discussing precautions with Dr. Whisenant is the best way to prevent the onset, progression and recurrence of gum disease. If you have a pre-existing condition or develop periodontitis, Dr. Whisenant can provide referrals to exceptional periodontists in the Dripping Springs area.

Periodontists are specially trained to treat periodontal disease with the use of tools like dental implants. Other treatments can include thorough cleaning procedures in deep gum pockets, such scaling and root planning. Antibiotic and antifungal medications may also be prescribed to halt the development and spread of infections. When tooth loss occurs due to periodontal disease, periodontists may perform tissue grafts to promote natural regeneration of gum tissue, and may insert dental implants to replace missing teeth. If gum recession makes your smile look excessively “toothy,” periodontists may recontour the gum tissue to even it out and enhance the aesthetics of your smile.


Interested in cosmetic dentistry? Our practice also provides comprehensive cosmetic dentistry services so that your healthier smile can also be a brighter, more beautiful smile.